One's done~!!
we had a presentation of Coperated Image Planning class.
We had to develope a non-profit organization company 'The Horticulture Society of New York'.
At the first time, when we interviewed them,they didn't want to change any part of their logo.
However, after our presentation which showed more developed logo from the original,
they really liked those and considered about little bit change of logo.
It's was really good experience that we dealt with a real company.
Normally, school works were restricted in more impractical than realistic way.
Anyway, I realized the power of well-presentation.
Also, I really happy to work with our group people.
Thank you for Jame much more(is this his real name- -?I'm not sure). In our group,we treated as he was God, because he spoke so well. There were two groups in my class. I think that the other group who revised 'Woman In Need', worked harder than my group at the first level. However, Jame covered everything with his speech.Teacher loved my group. I envy him~~ I'll never worry I can speak like that in English...hmmm..but I think it's not only the language problem, he spaeks quite well except the fact that he's American. Anyway, thank for working with good people. It was a helpful experience.
I have two more to go~!!
Now, I have a numb of my right shoulder.. clicking mouse button over thousand times a day, shortage of sleeping, no times to eat, exhausting of strengh of my body. I think I almost have used my basic strength. I'm dying. ㅜ ㅜ
Eye ache, (I'm not sure I can use like this..I heard like a back ache.head ache...I don't know..)anyway I felt knid of my eye-ball's coming out from my eyes..I really don't want to see screen after survey..
I cannot think about anything. My brain's stop..Even I cannot remember the spell of screan is right or not..screen?screan??
anyway,after survey I'll sleep every day and I'll do what I like to do every day~!!I won't do any about school and I don't wnat to~!!time to take a rest..hihi.. Just imagination make me happy :)
hua~~however, before that I have to finish ㅜ.ㅜ..I hope that I can finish everything on time...I will..I should...ㅠ ㅠ.